First Name
Last Name
#1 Preference
9:00am EST (-5 GMT)
11:00am EST (-5 GMT)
3:00pm EST (-5 GMT)
7:00PM EST (-5 GMT)
9:00PM EST (-5 GMT)
#2 Preference
9:00am EST (-5 GMT)
11:00am EST (-5 GMT)
3:00pm EST (-5 GMT)
7:00PM EST (-5 GMT)
9:00PM EST (-5 GMT)
#3 Preference
9:00am EST (-5 GMT)
11:00am EST (-5 GMT)
3:00pm EST (-5 GMT)
7:00PM EST (-5 GMT)
9:00PM EST (-5 GMT)
In 2-3 sentences, please tell me what you do, and how you hope to use podcasting? (if you have a current show, or plan for a show, please provide as many details as you can - Title, topic, show format, who is your audience, etc.)
What is ONE THING, more than anything else, you would like to learn about Mobile Podcasting or Podcasting in general?
Anything else you'd care to share with me, to help serve you better?
Thank you! I will be in touch VERY soon with a schedule for our first meeting tomorrow, Dec 3rd! I can't WAIT to get started, and get you podcasting before Christmas! Sincerely, ShawnShawn Smith , The Mobile Pro